Your Own Community Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Organization that is supported by the kindness of the tax deductible donations and contributions from small businesses, corporations, families and individuals just like you and me.
Again, much of our funding is from individual contributors. If you would like to partner with us, you can help out by making a donation that will ensure the fulfillment of our MISSION. All you have to do is click on “Donate” button and a simple step by step process will guide you through the rest. Or if you’d like to make regular monthly donations, please contact us by email or call us at 760-995-0204 for our assistance. If you’d like to donate equipment, supplies, time or talents please send an email or call us at the same phone number. Remember you can make an online contribution using PayPal or even the old fashion way by sending a check in the mail. Thank you in advance for your tax deductible contribution and your support and kindness. After all, it is an investment in the lives of those in your own community.